You’d Think I was M.I.A.

I’m Still Standing. . .

Hello, again! (Photo by Mom, P. Wood.)

From here, looking at this blog, you’d think I died or went missing. But no.

I’m happy to report, I am still around, alive, and doing fine. I can also report I HAVE been writing, just, apparently not here.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to bring it over here. 

Another Venue

I was encouraged some time ago to start posting on
Like so many things in life, I put it off. . . and off. But last year, I found my RoundTuit and started publishing on Medium. I’m still trying to navigate the “correct” way to share those posts here. I don’t want to get tossed into Medium Jail for doing it wrong!

A Garden Path.

For the moment, I’ll share the LINK to My Medium Page, and you can read me over there. Paula’s Blog Page

But I’ll give you a heads-up. . . If you’re not a “member,” you can only read 5-posts per month (I believe). Becoming a member is only $5/month or $50/year (bargain). Think of it as a great magazine subscription. A couple of the benefits of membership: You have access to reading unlimited articles–thousand and thousands of them on countless topics. And you can start writing and publishing on Medium.

I published an article per week, for a few months. My pride in merely getting it done grew. I’d planned to gradually ramp-up the publishing frequency to twice per week as my energy levels improved.  Then it could grow to three times per week. But Continue reading “You’d Think I was M.I.A.”


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