A Cover Girl

Hi, and thanks for visiting.
Today, since a few people have asked, I’ll tell you a little about how I got into writing, and how–for a long time–it didn’t look likely I’d ever earn a living with it. I’ll also tell you what changed the path for me and how an invitation for a written interview led to a couple of articles–featuring me. I even made the cover of one magazine. And I’ll explain why mentors made a huge difference in helping launch this dream. Ready? Let’s dive in.

For Love or Money? 

I’ve been writing for a long time. It’s always been something I enjoy. I started journaling in my Girl Scout “diary” when I was about 11 years old. I have no idea whatever happened to it. Maybe in the depths of a dusty, old box, in my garage?

It almost feels like yesterday–and then also a lifetime ago. The diary was approximately 4″ x 5″ and maybe an inch & a half thick. It was hard-cover, white vinyl with a green Girl Scout emblem on the cover and it had a little “brass” lock on it. It sported white pages with green lines on both sides of the page. Did you ever keep a diary or journal? It can be interesting to go back and reread them. 

Choosing A Direction
I loved to write, even back then. In high school and college, I tested into “honors” English classes. 
When trying to decide on a direction for college, I was drawn to writing and photography, but always heard (about both), “Except as a journalist, you can’t make a living at it.” I wasn’t sure if I genuinely believed it. But I understood it tended to be a lean living IF you could squeak one out at all. Continue reading “A Cover Girl”

We Have a “Meetup” Group for This

Hello again,

Just a quick note today to let you know I’ve formed a “Meetup” group in the Albuquerque, NM, USA area, specifically for Holistic Practitioners. It’s called”ABQ Holistic Practitioners Reaching More Clients.” 

Here’s a link to the group’s Meetup Page: Albuquerque-Holistic-Practitioners-Reaching-More-Clients

Our second meeting is coming up on Tuesday, September 12th, 2017, at 6:30 pm (Mountain Time). You can get location details at the link above.

Our first meeting was on Tuesday, August 8th, 2017. I was in the middle of participating in a 21-day Facebook Live Challenge at the time. So I decided to record our first meeting as one of my FB Live videos. I’ve since uploaded this video (and several other videos) to my YouTube Channel, at Paula High’s YouTube Channel

If you’d prefer the specific link to the recording of our first meeting of the “ABQ Holistic Practitioners Reaching More Clients” it’s here:

I figured this way, if anyone is interested in our group, they can watch the video and get a general flavor.

I expect the meetings to keep getting better because as word gets out, more and more people will attend. The more people we have attending, the more interesting it becomes and the more we can all share and support one another.

That’s about it for now. I’m gradually getting things put together for the biz. I’m in the process of brainstorming topic ideas and scheduling posts.

Be Well,

Building a Biz — Not for Sissies!

The business building process has been arduous! It’s tough reining in the distractions, and learning to schedule– everything. Because, if it doesn’t get scheduled, it basically won’t get done. It’ll slip through the cracks.

While I had started “Taking Back Wellness” back in late 2012, it was mostly just a vague concept which was going to be my sharing of research and resources. But it morphed a few times. Then I earned my Holistic Health Coaching Certification, and TBW morphed again.

This past April-May brought the formation of my new LLC.
Taking Back Wellness, LLC, dba Holistic Wellness Writers was officially born. In May I was introduced to the Acuity Scheduler system, and in May and June, I learned how to use it. I learned how to set it up to take payments, create various “appointment types,” and how to create intake documents which clients fill out before they schedule. Wow!

Oh, yeah. And a writer is supposed to write! HA! When? <Sigh> Breath. . . Breath. Yes, soon. I need to brainstorm on. . . 50 or so topic titles, and start writing on them. Yes. Soon. I have to chuckle at the irony. I spend so much time editing for others, I end up crowding out my own writing time. Yes– finding balance is another skill to hone.

I’ve been learning various business-type processes and techniques, bringing into focus many new concepts, and doing the inner-work necessary for building a healthy entrepreneurial mindset– all while continuing to work with clients.

If you are of a vintage to remember the Ed Sullivan Show, perhaps you remember the dude who used to spin plates on poles. His name was. . . Erich Brenn (I had to look it up). Anyway, look him up and watch. It’s how I frequently feel as I work to master all the tasks which go into building a business and morphing into a successful entrepreneur.

So many “scary” new things to learn, try, and implement. But you move through the spooky stuff and just do it anyway. I look at it mostly as an adventure. I look back at where I was (or wasn’t), in a business sense, and I’ve come so far from where I was a year ago. My health stuff still needs work– a work in progress, but all things in time. I wonder what the next year will bring with it.

I’ll keep at it.
Be Well,




Welcome to Holistic Wellness Writers

I’m Paula, writer-editor and writing/communications coach. Believe it or not, it’s all connected. It’s all a part of how you come across to your potential clients.

Whether you are writing a book, writing a blog, doing speaking engagements, meeting new potential clients, building the platform for your book, or merely working on your everyday forms of reaching out to attract clients– it’s all about how you come across.

Making the Best Impression You Can Make

You only have a few seconds to make an impression– somewhere between, “Oh– I want to keep reading this.” and “Oops, I’m in the wrong place.” or even, “Whoa, this is crap, I’m outta here.”

And most of the time, you won’t have an opportunity for “do-overs” to make a better impression. Once you’ve lost a reader (a/k/a– potential client), they may well be lost forever–even if you could have helped them. They’re gone. We all need to take care of how we present.

A Case in Point, & Why I’m Here

As administrative support personnel over a few decades, I spent years writing and editing for bosses. I could often see what they couldn’t. I’ve also been a writer at heart since I was a  kid. Maybe it’s why I finally chose to focus my university degree on Communications.

But as I was earning my Holistic Health Coach certification through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition® (IIN®), my path began to reveal itself to me.

At IIN®, I participated in several student discussion groups. I loved hearing the various views on holistic health from my many classmates. We shared a lot of engaging conversations. Sometimes the energy was electric. I’d found my “tribe.” We all shared a great respect for one another as well.

Later, several of them tried their hand at blogging– thinking it was simple enough. A few seemed to be naturals. But others came back, fretting about how they thought nobody was taking them seriously or they couldn’t seem to get readers to stay. I frequently went in search of their posts. What I discovered surprised me, but I learned something.

Many people are fine with dashing off a bunch of words and thoughts, popping them into a few paragraphs, and a blog post. They call it good. But is it? Even if they’re great thoughts, can you expect people to tune in each week for more if it’s not well composed?

But the real question–the one which matters most:
What impressions are your readers taking in?

If reading something they proudly posted left us wondering how they could sound so smart in discussions and yet, in writing come across so. . . woefully lacking finesse–  Leaving us thinking:
Why would I believe anything they said, based on what they wrote here?

It won’t win over clients. Even if we know, you’re credible and just don’t come across as well in writing.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen it. Let’s just say often their writing needed some reworking to shine their true brilliance.

It’s Not Your Fault! 
This is a new era of instant information– and frankly, information overload. Information is everywhere. Attention spans are shrinking. You don’t have much time to pique your reader’s interest and keep them engaged. Most folks weren’t taught how to do it, and it can be tricky.

Holistic Practitioners, like all entrepreneurs, are busy.  Right? You know you need to engage with your potential clients, but you feel short on time. How can you pull off the “Great Client Attraction Caper?”

I can help.

In the coming weeks and months, I’ll gradually explain the various reasons why it’s so important to come across as intelligently, wisely, credibly, and polished as possible.

You can do all that and still let your unique personality shine through– as a matter of fact, it’s essential. I can help you find the right combination to help you shine out into the world– to your potential clients, and finally, to your Ideal Clients.

So please stick with me as I build here. You’re going to want to see what I have to offer you.
More to come soon. . .

In the meantime, Be Well & Shine on.


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