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Today, since a few people have asked, I’ll tell you a little about how I got into writing, and how–for a long time–it didn’t look likely I’d ever earn a living with it. I’ll also tell you what changed the path for me and how an invitation for a written interview led to a couple of articles–featuring me. I even made the cover of one magazine. And I’ll explain why mentors made a huge difference in helping launch this dream. Ready? Let’s dive in.
For Love or Money?
I’ve been writing for a long time. It’s always been something I enjoy. I started journaling in my Girl Scout “diary” when I was about 11 years old. I have no idea whatever happened to it. Maybe in the depths of a dusty, old box, in my garage?
It almost feels like yesterday–and then also a lifetime ago. The diary was approximately 4″ x 5″ and maybe an inch & a half thick. It was hard-cover, white vinyl with a green Girl Scout emblem on the cover and it had a little “brass” lock on it. It sported white pages with green lines on both sides of the page. Did you ever keep a diary or journal? It can be interesting to go back and reread them.
Choosing A Direction
I loved to write, even back then. In high school and college, I tested into “honors” English classes. When trying to decide on a direction for college, I was drawn to writing and photography, but always heard (about both), “Except as a journalist, you can’t make a living at it.” I wasn’t sure if I genuinely believed it. But I understood it tended to be a lean living IF you could squeak one out at all. Continue reading “A Cover Girl”